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One size does not fit all

Customizable ERP solution that adjusts to your needs, not the other way around

Powerful technology that removes all constraints and limitations

Enjoy full freedom of action thanks to unmatched flexibility and powerful customization capabilities of Codejig ERP. Unlike any other existing accounting solution, Codejig ERP was created in a web platform for application development, from which it inherited the ability to be quickly modified to any imaginable extent. The platform, which is known as Codejig App Builder, is another key product offered by Codejig and it is destined to become the next step in the evolution of software development.

Run your business, your way

Have you own way of handling things? Teach Codejig ERP to tackle different business situations exactly the way you wish. Enjoy full access to all source scripts that define business logic of Codejig ERP. Use code blocks to change the business logic of the system to get it tailored to your unique requirements. All you have to do is to connect puzzle-blocks together. No coding is required.