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Build customer relationships now to determine your future success

Improve business relationships with your future customers. Keep your leads, contacts and business partners organized in one place

Run your business from anywhere

Stay in touch with your business partners online with our cloud-based CRM system. It will work perfectly on any of your devices. It does not matter if you are using your cell phone, tablet or laptop, Codejig CRM will remain easy and comfortable to use.

Higher revenue

The Codejig CRM software gives you a well-rounded view of your customers, creating the possibility to up-sell, cross-sell, and give discounts at the right moment with greater success rates.

Assign multiple roles to one company

The Codejig CRM software can be used to create one profile for companies that are your customers and vendors at the same time. The unified profile in the CRM system will contain all the basic company information, such as address and payments terms, as well as advanced analytics, including sales dynamics, lists of transactions, issued invoices, paid advances, and much more. This way everything about the company will be kept in one place.