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Finding a document or record is no longer like looking for a needle in a haystack

Quickly locate, filter and sort any data stored in Codejig ERP

Use powerful searching functionality

No need to go over thousands of created documents or records to find the one you are looking for. The Codejig ERP accounting software provides a fast and efficient search tool to find a file by its name, a part of, or the entire serial number. See some of your search results in a list or click Show all to get the complete table of the search results.

From ascending to descending: sort data in tables easily

The Codejig ERP accounting software lets you change the order in which your data is displayed by sorting the tables. Just click a header of a column you want to sort a table by, and done! Table entries are sorted in the ascending order. Click once again — sorting changes from ascending to descending. One more click — and the sorting is cleared.